Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Living the life Ecuador coast

Celebration of life

We attended a celebration of life for Bob at Score Bar. It was Saturday, early evening, and the celebration started at 17.00. A nice number of people turned up, and were happy to swap their knowledge and stories of Bob, and for some their short but pleasant meeting with this man.
Towards the end, his health was an issue and he was not able to get around as I am sure he would have liked to.
But he was cheerful and full of conversation to the point that you would not have known that he was ill.
At Score Bar, there was a nice display of food that was provided by Peggy and Kimmi.

There was a toast from Will made with a shot of Bob's favorite tipple, and an emotional and heart felt toast from Mary and Tod Freeman.

We had had a very busy day, and left early, about 19.30. On our way home, a block from where we live, we were accosted by two youths that probably watched us leave the Score Bar  and thought we would be easy targets.
Well, they got more than they bargained for, because the one that went for me was 5'5"with a white jacket, hat, and sunglasses. He received a blow to the jaw that took him by surprise and left him open to receive another blow to the nose; he then took off. His friend was tussling with Evelyn trying to get her purse. I was able to go over and help her. Evelyn was screaming her head off, the strap on her hand bag broke when the youth (dressed in the same manner except his jacket was blue), tried to rip it off her shoulder. Evelyn held on to that hand bag for grim death. With his partner off in the wind, he also fled the scene. With the noise  that Evelyn made screaming, neighbors came out and asked if we were okay and some of the young men went looking for them, but they had melted into the night.
Our only loss was our basic cell phone, which fell out of the hand bag. We think they picked it up; we went back and looked around for it, but it was gone.
We only suffered a pulled muscle to Evelyn's shoulder and the loss of the cell phone; it could have been much worse. So we had a celebration of our own lives-that we still had ours.
Up to that point, we had a very nice evening and were not thinking about our surroundings as we walked home. From this point forward, we will take precautions and think about where we are. And no purses any more.
Let's be careful out there. 
              United States        1
               Ecuador               0

In 1970

Paul McCartney announces that the Beatles have disbanded

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA ) begins operation

The US and the UK lowers the voting age to 18 from 21

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