Saturday, 29 December 2018

Christmas was hit with some big waves and a cleanup that topped previous waves breaking over the sea defenses of Salinas.

check out this link of better times in Salinas.

Sunday, 16 December 2018


Sunday, 18 February 2018

The provincial board Cruz Roja Santa Elena will tomorrow accept a brand new ambulance that is being donated.
This ambulance will compliment our services and increase the ability of the Cruz Roja to respond to the community.
The ambulance comes with basic equipment, which will need to be improved. The ability of the ambulance as a 4 x 4 will not restrict activities to the main roads.
Attached are videos that show the ambulance we are to receive.

We will be looking to the community for assistance with some of the equipment that we will need to enhance the capabilities of crew and the ambulance.
There are two major items that we are asking the community to help with:

First, we need a patient monitor that is portable (an attachment is included).
A portable monitor will provide real time feedback on the condition of the patient.

ECG, pulse, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and respiration are vital signs that could be monitored to aid in care.

Second, we need an AED (this item is most commonly referred to as a defibrillator); image attached.
Cardiac arrest, that is a term that most people have heard- this piece of equipment can save lives.

Both of these items will enable the crew to offer a higher level of care and promote better outcomes for the patients.
If any of you out there would consider a donation that would help us help you and the community, we would be most thankful.

Now that we have an additional ambulance, we will be able to increase our services to the community.
The ambulance will consist of a professional driver and a paramedic when attending emergency calls.
Patient transfers- we will be able to pick up patients and transport them to hospital (non-emergency).
We will be able to offer an English-speaking nurse and or a paramedic; this assists the international community.
We offer an ambulance that is all-terrain; so it can cope with the back roads.
Thank you. I hope that the community can help us, so we can help the community.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

This year the county of Santa Elena peninsula and coastal areas received more visitors than in previous years.
Cruz Roja Santa Elena, this year, was able to provide support to more of the county than in previous years.
This has been due to a management team that has been working hard to encourage recruitment of new volunteers and providing regular and directed training.
This year the Provincial Board Cruz Roja Santa Elena had a presence in these areas:
La Libertad
Santa Elena
 San Pedro
 Libertador Bolívar
 Puerto de Chanduy

62 volunteers gave up their time to support the community they live in, and provide a safer place for you to enjoy Carnaval.
The Cruz Roja Santa Elena provided assistance for:
Medical emergencies-
191  male
145 female
336 total
Provided support action in the community-

Support Actions:
211 male
206 female
417 total
Attended the needs of children who were separated from their family-

Lost Numbers:
5  male
4  female
9  total

In the areas of Valdivia and Libertador Bolivar, the Cruz Roja was able to provide resuscitation to a total of five males of various ages that succumbed to drowning. These individuals were transferred to hospital by Manglaralto fire department.

Cruz Roja Santa Elena covered a total of 762 incidents.
Because Carnaval is over is not a reason to think that the Cruz Roja has packed up until next year. The work continues.
We are constantly looking for help from the community.
If you are a medical professional who could assist with training or would be interested in volunteering, please contact me.
If you are an individual that would like to make a donation or a business owner that could donate a service that would help, please contact me.

We are extending the coverage of the radio system run by the Cruz Roja due to a kind donation of radios from an individual.
Please note that Cruz Roja Santa Elena does NOT receive donations from the county, state, or federal government.
Cruz Roja Santa Elena relies on donations from the community and the income from the laboratory services that are provided at the Santa Elena office.
Thank you for your support.

Jodie McIntosh,SRN,RAMC,GSM
Provincial Santa Elena
APH Technico
Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana
Móvil: 0967815296 / 042941200

Monday, 15 January 2018

Flu Season

1. It’s shaping up to be one of the worst in recent years.

The influenza A subtype H3N2 that appears to be most prevalent this year is particularly nasty, with more-severe symptoms including fever and body aches. 
Australia’s winter is our summer — reported a record-high number of confirmed flu cases in 2017. Another influenza B virus subtype also is circulating.

2. This season’s flu vaccine is likely to be less effective than previous versions.

Australia’s experience suggests effectiveness was only about 10 percent. In the United States, it is 40 to 60 percent effective in an average season. Vaccines are less protective if strains are different than predicted and if unexpected mutations occur.

3. You should get the flu shot anyway.

Even if it is not a good match to the virus now circulating, the vaccine helps ease the severity and duration of symptoms if you come down with the flu.

Children are considered highly vulnerable to the disease. Studies show that for children, a shot can significantly reduce the risk of dying. (The CDC reported that 101 children died of flu-related illness in the 2016-17 season.)

High-dose vaccines are recommended for older people, who also are exceptionally vulnerable to illness, hospitalization and death related to the flu, according to the CDC.

“Some protection is better than no protection, it’s certainly disappointing to have a vaccine that’s just not as effective as we’d like it to be.”

4. Basic precautions may spare you and your family from days in bed.

As much as possible, avoid people who are sick. Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes.

Masks aren’t particularly effective in keeping you from catching the flu, although they may help keep sick people who wear them from spreading their germs.

If you are sick, cover your cough and stay home from work if you can. Remaining hydrated, eating nutritious foods and exercising can also help strengthen your immune system.

Elderly people are so vulnerable to the flu.

5. Don’t mistake flu symptoms for those of a common cold.

The hallmarks of flu are fever and body aches that accompany cough and congestion.

If you feel as if you’re having trouble breathing, or if your fever can’t be controlled with medication such as Tylenol, check with your doctor. It’s even more important for patients to see a doctor if they have a chronic medical condition such as diabetes or heart disease, or if they are young or elderly.

Temporada de gripe

1. Se perfila como uno de los peores en los últimos años.

El subtipo H3N2 de influenza A que parece ser más prevalente este año es particularmente desagradable, con síntomas más severos que incluyen fiebre y dolores en el cuerpo.
El invierno de Australia es nuestro verano: informó un número récord de casos confirmados de gripe en 2017. Otro subtipo del virus de la influenza B también está circulando.

2. Es probable que la vacuna contra la gripe de esta temporada sea menos efectiva que las versiones anteriores.

La experiencia de Australia sugiere que la efectividad fue solo del 10 por ciento. En los Estados Unidos, es de 40 a 60 por ciento de efectividad en una temporada promedio. Las vacunas son menos protectoras si las cepas son diferentes a las predichas y si ocurren mutaciones inesperadas.

3. Debería vacunarse contra la gripe de todos modos.

Incluso si no coincide con el virus que circula ahora, la vacuna ayuda a aliviar la gravedad y la duración de los síntomas si contrae la gripe.

Los niños son considerados altamente vulnerables a la enfermedad. Los estudios muestran que para los niños, un disparo puede reducir significativamente el riesgo de muerte. (El CDC informó que 101 niños murieron de enfermedades relacionadas con la gripe en la temporada 2016-17).

Se recomiendan las vacunas de dosis altas para las personas mayores, que también son excepcionalmente vulnerables a la enfermedad, la hospitalización y la muerte relacionada con la gripe, según los CDC.

"Cierta protección es mejor que ninguna protección, ciertamente es decepcionante tener una vacuna que no es tan efectiva como nos gustaría".

4. Las precauciones básicas pueden evitar que usted y su familia pasen días enteros en la cama.

En la medida de lo posible, evite las personas que están enfermas. Lávese las manos con frecuencia y evite tocarse la boca, la nariz y los ojos.

Las máscaras no son particularmente efectivas para evitar que contraiga la gripe, aunque pueden ayudar a evitar que las personas enfermas que las usan propaguen sus gérmenes.

Si está enfermo, cúbrase la boca y quédese en su casa si no puede. Mantenerse hidratado, comer alimentos nutritivos y hacer ejercicio también puede ayudar a fortalecer su sistema inmunológico.

Las personas mayores son tan vulnerables a la gripe.

5. No confundas los síntomas de la gripe con los de un resfriado común.

Las características de la gripe son la fiebre y los dolores corporales que acompañan a la tos y la congestión.

Si siente que tiene problemas para respirar o si su fiebre no puede controlarse con medicamentos como Tylenol, consulte a su médico. Es incluso más importante que los pacientes vean a un médico si tienen una afección médica crónica, como diabetes o enfermedad cardíaca, o si son jóvenes o ancianos.