Friday, 5 December 2014

Gringo Pricing

Gringo Pricing 

On a recent drive I stopped at a small store, to buy a bottle of soda.
The person in front of me was buying the very same thing.
But when it came to me paying for it that was a very different thing, even though the label on the bottle said $1.00 and the person in front of me paid $1.00.
I was told that the cost was $2.00, so I said that I only am buying one bottle, the response was $2.00.
What looked like the son of the owner just sold another bottle of the same to a local at the price marked on the bottle, with that I gave the bottle to the owner and said, you know how to treat your customers, and left.

2017 End Extreme Poverty

Quito, Nov 27 (Prensa Latina) Ecuador plans to eradicate extrema poverty by 2017 through a nationwide strategy presented today in this capital by the National Department of Planning and Development (Senplades) and other institutions.
In the presentation ceremony of the National Strategy for Equality and the Eradication of Poverty, attended by government authorities, the Head of Senplades, Pabel Munoz, said that the most important to achieve the goal is the radical political will to address the phenomenon, as the objective is to wipe out the scourge completely.

He added that after curbing poverty by 12 percent and improve equality by seven percent in the past few years, the country is in a position to achieve the said target by 2017.

In remarks to journalists, he said that the commitment of the national government is essential to achieve the goal, but this responsibility must also be shared by the decentralized autonomous governments, the private sector and all the citizens.

Minister Coordinator of Human Talent, Guillaume Long, highlighted the importance of education to break the cycle of poverty.

Ecuador's internet penetration reaches 72%

Ecuador seizes climate bus opposed to drilling

Check out this link 

Ecuador siezes climate bus opposed to drilling | World News |

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